At the time when this Double-DVD was recorded, Psychic Anatomy Yoga was called Saktiyama Yoga, which means 'Sakti-Regulation/Control Yoga”.
This incredible combination of Psychic Anatomy Exercises (called Sakityama when this DVD was first recorded) uses Yoga asanas to help keep you grounded and the life force flowing smoothly through your body as well as the more physical parts of your psychic anatomy. This benefits the empowering and expansive techniques of to enhance the health and performance of the more spiritual aspects of your being.
Psychic Anatomy Exercises can be compared to engineered physical exercise programs. The difference is that the program is designed for your psychic anatomy rather than your physical body. As you develop the health and performance of your psychic anatomy, everything starts to work better, including your physical body. This is an example of the mind-body-spirit connection. Some unique benefits are improved intuition and psychic/spiritual awareness in general, as well as the ability to send and receive psychic/spiritual energies (ex. prayer, reiki, etc).
Part 1 of this DVD set shows 6 routines with music and special effects to guide you through some routines containing several examples of how a routine can be customized to fit your unique needs in the moment (not available for purchase). Part 2 uses voice-over to provide more information on the techniques being used.
This Saktiyama Yoga DVDs is good for more advanced practitioners.
To look learn more about this DVD, please find it on your local Amazon website; also see the non-specific videos below.