Why & How to Replace Forprofits with
Nonprofits for a More Utopian Future
We have learned how to build a much more utopian existence by placing a few key rules in the Articles of Incorporation of Forprofits:
1) A Compensation Cap of 340,000 CAD/year plus inflation. - When there is no personal gain associated with trading harm for profits (greed – the greatest obstacle to our evolution as a whole), executives will make more Triple Bottom Line decisions.
2) Compensation Back Pay is allowed. - Start-up leaders will be more motivated when they know they will receive fair compensation from the company they build when it is ready to do so.
3) Required to donate 60% of their profits to organizations with Charitable Status (ex. Nonprofits and Charities). - Imagine what is possible when Societal Development Funding has a much larger budget!
To nurture these businesses, a Nonprofit Association has been designed that will do a few key things:
1) Educate the consumer on why buying from these types of businesses is a better choice for their, and our collective future compared to conventional Forprofits. - Once consumers know the difference and can buy the same product or service at the same price, quality, and shipping speed, they will always choose what we are calling Forprofit-Nonprofits. A huge competitive advantage!
a) This Association will own critical trademarks that will be shared with Forprofit-Nonprofits under a tight agreement that compliments the rules required in their Articles of Incorporation.
2) Coordinate, facilitate, and protect the flourishing of Forprofit-Nonprofits. - Another huge competitive advantage!
A promising game plans has been designed to efficiently, effectively, sustainably, and quickly establish a solid presence of Forprofit-Nonprofits in the economy.
What we need now is feedback and testimonies to help cultivate funding, alliances (ex. Universities and Corporations), and collaborators.
Please read and share the Introduction Article linked below as a high priority. Note: Some people have had trouble opening its OneDrive location due to their internet security settings. If you need us to email you a copy, please contact us.
Introduction Article: tinyurl.com/FNutopia
(Note: Do not share this information with Mega-Corp supporters)
If you are ready to Donate or join the Email List, please do so now.
Part 1: The Why
Defeating the Oppression of Other People’s Greed
Catalysing Evolution while Empowering Altruistic Thinking
Final Comments
Part 2: The How
The Forprofit-Nonprofit Association
Pioneering Forprofit-Nonprofit Networks
Criteria for Being a Pioneering Forprofit-Nonprofit
Forprofit-Nonprofit Online Store Network - Priority 1
Forprofit-Nonprofit Hubs
Forprofit-Nonprofit Food Network – Priority 2
Forprofit-Nonprofit Food Production Facility
Forprofit-Nonprofit (Health Food) Grocery Store
Local Food Production
Forprofit-Nonprofit Automotive Networl - Eventually
Forprofit-Nonprofit Real Estate Network - Eventually
Other Forprofit-Nonprofit Networks - Eventually
Part 3: Final Remarks
Final Remarks