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Why & How to Replace Forprofits with

Nonprofits for a More Utopian Future

We have learned how to build a much more utopian existence by placing a few key rules in the Articles of Incorporation of Forprofits: 


1) A Compensation Cap of 340,000 CAD/year plus inflation. - When there is no personal gain associated with trading harm for profits (greed – the greatest obstacle to our evolution as a whole), executives will make more Triple Bottom Line decisions. 

2) Compensation Back Pay is allowed. - Start-up leaders will be more motivated when they know they will receive fair compensation from the company they build when it is ready to do so. 

3) Required to donate 60% of their profits to organizations with Charitable Status (ex. Nonprofits and Charities). - Imagine what is possible when Societal Development Funding has a much larger budget! 

To nurture these businesses, a Nonprofit Association has been designed that will do a few key things: 

1) Educate the consumer on why buying from these types of businesses is a better choice for their, and our collective future compared to conventional Forprofits. - Once consumers know the difference and can buy the same product or service at the same price, quality, and shipping speed, they will always choose what we are calling Forprofit-Nonprofits. A huge competitive advantage! 


a) This Association will own critical trademarks that will be shared with Forprofit-Nonprofits under a tight agreement that compliments the rules required in their Articles of Incorporation. 

2) Coordinate, facilitate, and protect the flourishing of Forprofit-Nonprofits. - Another huge competitive advantage!  

A promising game plans has been designed to efficiently, effectively, sustainably, and quickly establish a solid presence of Forprofit-Nonprofits in the economy. 

What we need now is feedback and testimonies to help cultivate funding, alliances (ex. Universities and Corporations), and collaborators. 

​Please read and share the Introduction Article linked below as a high priority. Note: Some people have had trouble opening its OneDrive location due to their internet security settings. If you need us to email you a copy, please contact us.

Introduction Article:

(Note: Do not share this information with Mega-Corp supporters)

If you are ready to Donate or join the Email List, please do so now.  



Part 1: The Why 

Defeating the Oppression of Other People’s Greed 

Catalysing Evolution while Empowering Altruistic Thinking 

Final Comments 

Part 2: The How 


The Forprofit-Nonprofit Association 


Pioneering Forprofit-Nonprofit Networks 


Criteria for Being a Pioneering Forprofit-Nonprofit 

Forprofit-Nonprofit Online Store Network - Priority 1 


Forprofit-Nonprofit Hubs  


Forprofit-Nonprofit Food Network – Priority 2 

Forprofit-Nonprofit Food Production Facility 


Forprofit-Nonprofit (Health Food) Grocery Store 




Local Food Production 


Forprofit-Nonprofit Automotive Networl - Eventually 


Forprofit-Nonprofit Real Estate Network - Eventually 


Other Forprofit-Nonprofit Networks - Eventually 


Part 3: Final Remarks 


Final Remarks 

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