The Global Debate Website

When it comes to learning the perspectives of a large group of people (ex. the people governments represent or the employees/customers/investors of large companies), new techniques are needed to make doing so more affordable, effective, faster, and easier. The Global Debate Website (GDW) is such a solution, which has multiple other benefits as well; discussed below.
Word Documents
The GDW will host uploaded word documents (primary purpose), as well as videos and presentations (discussed below) for its users to comment and vote upon. Uploaded word documents will automatically have hash marks (#) added to link every sentence, paragraph, figure, figure caption, sub-section, section, and the entire document that connect to comment boxes. The main difference between Facebook and GDW is that only informative engagement features exist for GDW (ex. voting options: agree/disagree, support/challenge, confused, question, etc). As well, artificial intelligence and user feedback will help reduce redundant, incongruous, uninformative, and insulting posts (some examples are presented in the Tour).
User's will develop an Status Ranking based on many details, such as hose to discussed in the last paragraph, the amount of posts and uploads they create (more is not necessarily better), the type of uploads and comments they engage with, groups they belong to, positions they have held, where they live, and more - means to confirm identity will be kept private. For a fee, status details can be referenced for:
- Employers looking for employees
- Employees looking for employers
- Investors looking for opportunities
- Funding sources doing background checks (ex. business and research funding)
- Target Marketing (unique to conventional social media)
- Restricting access and inviting input to GDW groups and uploads
- Academics building review articles and books that are periodically revised
- Businesses to hear from their employees, customers, investors, experts, etc
- Governments to hear from the people they represent, experts, Non-Profits, etc
As uploads mature and newer editions replace older ones, a finalized document will emerge that can be submitted to other users/groups to get a response. For example, if public/employees are concerned that a business is acting immorally, they can build a document and submit it to them. These documents can be exchanged back and forth until both sides are content or the legal system needs to be employed. Comprehensive records of these events will be kept for legal purposes to help prove negligence and lies concerning details. Note: Many government and business people get away with immoral and criminal acts because of the informal way we go about questioning them.
Presentations hash marks will be added at line breaks and figures.
Hash marks will be trickier to place automatically. As with word documents and presentations, hash marks can be manually added before uploading.
Now might be a good time to take the Prototype Tour to make sure you have an accurate mental picture of what I am describing; there will be comments along the way. Note: The blue arrows are hyperlinks.
Making good decisions sometimes requires input from large numbers of people. This can be a challenging and expensive task. Businesses and governments spend a tremendous amount of time and money trying to do this well, often falling short. With a great design for convenience and efficiency, the GDW can serve to enhance collaboration between large groups of people (ex. government/business departments, computer code developers, design and management of projects, writing encyclopedia pages, books, textbooks, review articles, and much more). Even things as simple as surveys, petitions, and forums will benefit.
Managing Projects
Once a project is designed, updates can be posted to hash marked comment boxes to keep people informed. Users can select to be notified when this happens concerning the entire upload or specific parts within it.
Innovating the Design of Large Organizations
By uploading documents that describe the design of an organization, such as a government department, corporation or or the K-12 public school curriculum (discussed in the box below), as comments and votes accumulate, users will gain a better comprehension as to why some aspects exist and others do not. This will promote compliance, as well as innovation. If necessary, a document can be created to promote innovation that references the original one, which can be submitted to superiors for a response.
The World Economy is the largest organization that many believe needs to be innovated to assign value to environmental and humanitarian topics. This is known as a Triple Bottom Line Currency or Economy, which I and many others believe is inevitable for humanity to move into the future optimally. Immoral actions are too easily rewarded in the present economic model, which oppresses moral businesses to perform immorally so to stay competitive. It may only be possible to do this well with the help of the GDW.
Innovating the K-12 public curriculum is a major project goal of mine. Right now, many agree that a lot of the content is not relevant to a student's future, while topics that are relevant, such as life skills, need to be incorporated. These perspectives have existed for a long time, but changes are very slow to occur. The GDW will play a crucial role to make this transition efficiently and effectively concerning quality and cost; discussed briefly in the video above (ex. entire curriculum uploaded and debated to identify content to remove, how to incorporate life skill teachings, and how to implement the changes). To learn more about this project, read this article.
Legal Aspects
It is no secret that many large organizations have significant difficultly innovating themselves, especially of the government where financial motivation is not as strong (in general, unions promote this type of negligence too). As well, many resist change for the sake of profits (ex. environmental and human rights issues). Many good people try to promote positive change, but are too often met with negligence and/or lies by key players. In these situations, the legal system needs to get involved, which is a demanding process on taxpayers and these good people (out of reach for the average humanitarian, especially if the company they are challenging is well funded and has a lot at stake).
The legal aspects of the GDW will help make these battles easier because it is inexpensive to develop a document, submit it to a user/group for feedback, and debate. The records GDW keeps of these processes can be used to encourage authorities to take action, gain media attention, and/or be used in court; even if the user/group does not respond (implies negligence, especially once GDW becomes mainstream). Collaborating with Whistleblower and similar organizations will help shape GDW to optimize its potential to control and remove low quality people from positions of power (a very important task facing humanity).
User status details (ex. ranking and their engagement history) can be used to help the public learn about Electees. Getting more quality leaders into positions of power is a very important task.
A growing concern among the public is the honesty of electees when it comes to what they say they will do (ex. election promises) and what they actually do. Sometimes electees are simply not successful at obtaining the goals they set out to achieve and other times it seems that they were only telling voters what they wanted to here. Documents uploaded, marketed, and engaged with by the elected can help prove their efforts, as well as serve as an interface to receive input from others of the government (this is a much more efficient and effective way to debate and design policies compared to verbal debating) and other selected users. Some of these documents can not be seen by the public but can be seen by government, and if necessary courts.
The legal/security aspects of GDW could one day be used for online polls, voting, referendums, and referendum-type polls. These referendum concepts are crucial for getting the government to represent the people more effectively in the face of corruption, negligence and ignorance. The video above discuss some of these concepts.
The idea of passing a simple test before voting and monitoring user activity (ex. how much time is content spends on a user's screen) with could help ensure voters are educated on what they are voting for. At the very least, GDW will make it easier for them to educate themselves.
Democratic Decisions
The purpose of elected government officials is to debate and pass policies that nurture the evolution of the people they represent. Those that excel at campaigning to receive these positions are too often not qualified to have them. This is a major limitation of modern democracies that the GDW can improve. To learn more how the GDW can be used in this way, see Democratic Reform: Democratic Decisions Website policy.
Encyclopedia Pages, Textbooks, and Review Articles
For these purposes, GDW can be considered a more user-friendly, sophisticated, and secure version of Wikipedia. Using GDW to replace Wikipedia will result in less encyclopedia pages as feedback helps condense similar pages into one.
Textbooks will updated faster and more often, as will review articles. Present academic techniques use individuals or small groups to create a textbook/review article that gets submitted for publication once it is ready. There is a waiting period for it to be published before feedback can be submitted to the authors directly or through an independent publication. GDW will be faster and easier. It will also improve quality/accuracy by involving more experts in the creation and maintenance of these documents.
Keeping record of contributions to these documents can help employers, investors and funding sources find who they are looking for.
If you have not taken the tour yet, please do so now. Note: The blue arrows are hyperlinks.
Get Involved
I started designing the GDW in 2006; there are many details I have not presented on this website. To move this game changing project forward, I need a team of collaborators (ex. lawyers, business developers, software developers, marketers, people with expertise in fields of application, etc) and investors. Please get involved with your expertise, time, money, and share this information with others. Thank you!