Everything in this article is supported with key references extracted from my instructional textbook Diet and Lifestyle Enhancement Strategies for Becoming Superhuman: Leading-Edge - Comprehensive – Science-Based (DLE). To see these references, please read the Academic Version of this article.
By teaching life skills in the K-12 curriculum, the majority of society's problems can be significantly reduced, such as delinquency, aggression, pessimism, diseases, disorders, and poor health and performance in general). Doing so will also improve work quality, socialization, optimism, innovation, invention, and more. The human body is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual machine that is improved with good life skills. Optimizing it sets a foundation for making good decisions for self and other, as well as following through with them. Of particular importance is the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) which gives people the ability to identify, engage, and follow through with good decisions as well as ignore emotional and primitive distractions.
The most fundamental life skills are diet/nutrition, exercise, sleep, consistent routines, avoiding and detoxifying toxins, as well as stress resilience and emotional management in general; other valuable life skills are listed in Appendix A. When developed well, overall, physical, emotional, and mental health and performance improves - when not developed well they decline. In general, when any part of the body or mind is well or unwell, all other parts are affected similarly.
With a good foundation in these skills, all brain functions improve, especially when they are engaged as dictated by the science of Brain Exercises. These exercises aim to strengthen the brain in specific ways, similar to how a gym routine is used to strengthen a physical athlete in specific ways. Even something as simple as listening to a slightly different sound frequency in each ear can significantly improve brain performance and mood.
Communication (ex. forming an argument, discussing, and debating) and relationship skills (ex. emphasis on male-female and conflict resolution) are fundamental for working with others. They can also be considered a form of stress management because they prevent stress.
Optimizing preconception, pregnancy, and parenting are vital life skills when it comes to the evolution of humanity. By teachings students academic perspectives on these subjects, they are less likely to conceive accidentally and are more likely to raise a child well. Many agree that the most significant influence contributing to poor health and performance concerning the topics discussed in the first paragraph and in general, are children conceived accidentally by people who are not prepared to raise them well.
How to reduce pollution, work with the government, concepts of ethics and happiness, present problems facing humanity, and big picture perspectives of an individual’s role in society (having/not having purpose is a powerful influence) are very important too.
An introduction to these subjects is not enough! They need to be taught progressively throughout elementary and especially high school, which will require parts of the existing curriculum to be restructured or removed (lots never gets used in a student's future). Doing so ensures the information is retained on the surface of their psyche, making it more accessible for decisions they make every day. As well, a progressive education helps students learn more about the science behind these skills, which encourages there use. For example, those who know more about the science behind healthy diet, exercise, and sleep techniques tend to use them.
The biggest challenges are designing a new curriculum. I suggest designing a draft curriculum and getting feedback from teachers and school boards for a few years. It would be ideal to post the curriculum on a special website I’ve been designing since 2006 called Global Debate Website (GDW). It adds hash marks at the end of every sentence, paragraph, image, sub-section, section, and the document as a whole so users can comment/vote on specific parts of the document. A difference between Facebook and GDW is that GDW only has informative engagement features (ex. agree/disagree, support, dispute, question, etc) as well as artificial intelligence and user feedback to reduce redundant, incongruous and uninformative posts. With a good design for convenience and efficiency, this website will serve to enhance communication within and between any large group (ex. government and people they represent, employees and employers). It also has vast profit potential.
Imagine the billions of dollars saved on a national level when the educating of these life skills start preventing things like delinquency, premature parents, disease, disorder, and poor health and performance in general! Now imagine the billions saved and earned as healthier more capable people fill society with a better understanding of themselves, country, and planet, as well as a greater potential to invent, innovate and perform in general! Maximizing life skills needs to be one of the highest priority in the public school curricula, as well as society in general.
Appendix A: Additional Life Skills to Consider
Psychology, Marketing, and Campainging
Self-Awareness, Self-Development, and other Interpersonal Skills
Communication, Public Speaking, Empathy/Compassion, and other Social Skills
Conception, Pregnancy, and Parenting
Personal Finance, Efficiency and Time Management
Conventional Maintenance Skills and Working with Tools
Pollution, Ecosystems, and other Environmental Topics
Probability and Statistics
Governments, Economy, and Personal Purpose
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and other Decision Making Skills
Prefrontal Cortex Skills
Criticism, Negotiation, Cooperation/Collaboration, and other Teamwork Skills
Often Utilizes Prefrontal Cortex Skills
Making Life Skills a High Priority in K-12 Curriculum

Get Involved
Many are trying to make these changes happen with varying degrees of success. A Central Organization is needed to combine the efforts of smaller groups as well as lobby for change and funding to develop a completely revised curriculum as discussed above or better. This organization will also manage feedback for revising the curriculum after it is set in motion.
The transition into this new curriculum will start with kindergarten and progress 1 grade each year. Hence, institutes of higher education and businesses will have lots of time to adapt before students graduate grade 12. Although many businesses will not be affected negatively, some will need to make use of institutes of higher education and on job training to ensure employees are sufficiently educated in job related skills.
Donating to the Global Debate Website fund is an important part of innovating the K-12 curriculum well, but so is forming a Central Organization. Although I have not found an organization that can serve as a central hub, I am hoping one emerges from the efforts already in action. Perhaps a well funded Curriculum Development Department of a particular province/state can take on this role?
Sharing and promoting the article above with some promotion on how such changes will bring a lot of good into the future is helpful and needed. You can also donate to the Life Skills Priority Fund with a Pay Pal button below:
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