If you do not know what Energy Healing-Empowerment or Psychic Anatomy Treatments are, please read the linked articles.
Although I love doing these treatments, time only allows for me to do them as a side project. My commitment to teaching and developing the Non-Profits comes first; this is why prices are high.
Treatments aim to help you relax, balance, harmonize, expand and align with the energies you are naturally growing into as energies you no longer need are released. They can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes; in different moments of life you may need more attention than in others. In general, if you have not received and Energy Healing treatment for a long time or ever, a 1 hour session will be needed.
$60 for a 20 minutes
$110 for 40 minutes
$150 for an hour
$30 for each additional 20 minutes there after (this time can include discussion and Coaching topics if you choose).
Mini-treatments are sometimes available following presentations, workshops and classes. Since the energy is usually strong and people only needing a bit of help, these treatments are usually just a few moments and done by donation.
Psychic Anatomy Treatments