Genetic and Epigenetic Testing/Dating
Most topics in this article are discussed with references in my textbook Diet and Lifestyle Enhancement Strategies for Becoming Superhuman Edition 2: Leading-Edge - Comprehensive – Science-Based. To see these references, please read the Academic Version of this article.
continuously), resulting in refinements to their personalized strategies (well) in advance compared to other tests and with greater accuracy.
Remember, epigenetics is reinforced by repeat experiences (similar to strengthening a muscle). In general, enhancing overall mind-body-spirit health and performance produces positive epigenetic changes. When it comes to the 8-6 months before conceiving a child (both parents), pregnancy and breast feeding, it appears that Catabolic techniques (ex. low protein, high fat and cleansing diets) are harmful. These techniques use genes that do maintenance, such as detoxification and the recycling of cells, proteins and other biological parts. Catabolic techniques are crucial for healthy aging. Just do not use them during these 3 periods, and in general, do not subject your child to them until they are adults (studies are not certain of some details concerning teenagers). Only Anabolic techniques are helpful during these 3 periods and until the child is an adult. These techniques use genes that make focus on building the body.
Avoiding psychological stress and toxins, while increasing exercise, meditation, pre/probiotics, and specific nutrients are important for optimizing reproduction and child development as well. I wrote a textbook quality guidance book on these and many of the subjects discussed in this article that focuses on adult practices.
Although this article is short, I hope you can appreciate the significance of Genetic and Epigenetic Testing for choosing a complementary mate and the future health and performance of your child. These things, especially concerning the child, are critical to the evolution of our species. Human evolution can be compared to a stair case. When a child is born with a better foundation, they start life on a higher rung, making it easier for them to climb to higher heights, which often results in benefits for the masses. Starting life on lower rungs makes it harder to climb (many fall to even lower rungs), which often causes problems for the masses. Genetic and Epigenetic Testing provides significant opportunity to get more people to higher rungs before they are born, as well as help them progress.
I intend to make these tests more affordable and in some circumstances free (ex. when born and 1 planned conception) by starting a Non-Profit Dating Website that also focuses on related topics, such as teaching pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, birth, breast feeding, parenting, and other healthy and performance enhancing skills for child and parents. These classes also provide an opportunity for members to interact with each other in a context that serves the purpose of their dating.
We are not all born with great opportunities, but we can all work towards birthing and raising children with more of them. Doing so is one of the most significant things you can do to contribute to the evolution of the whole: start them on higher rungs of the evolutionary staircase and nurture their progress upon it.
Please invest into this significant project with the donation options below.
Genetic and Epigenetic Testing can significantly enhance quality of life, and both have enormous potential to do so even more as they continue to evolve. When it comes to choosing a mate based on genetic and epigenetic complementary, quality of life can be improved substantially for their child (ex. their genes and epigenes are a crucial part of their mind-body foundation; their mind-body experiences are the other crucial part), as well as the parents (ex. it’s easier to raise a child when their mind-body health and performance is good/exceptional – studies are starting to find genes and epigenes of social compatibility as well, such as sexual chemistry).
The mother and father both carry 2 sets of genes-epigenes, which means there is a total of 4 sets for the embryo to choose their set of 2 from during the first 5 days after conception: Chromosome Recombination Period. This is a crucial time for the mother to be as mind-body-spirit healthy and meditative as possible

so physical and spiritual influences (ex. the child’s incoming soul) can optimally select genes and epigenes. Sometimes there is not much of a choice. Scientists have observed a full spectrum of probabilities (0-100%) for specific genes and epigenes to be inherited. Most studies have examined disease risk (ex. cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, and mental health), while others have explored behaviour, personality (ex. neuroticism and the other Big Five Personality Traits), intelligence, emotional dispositions (ex. stress resilience, happiness/depression), and more.

I believe there will always be a need to Genetically and Epigenetically Test the child for best results because it is likely that aspects of Chromosome Recombination are not in control by parental genetics or epigenetics: psychological stress, toxins, infections, lack of exercise, and malnutrition are common examples.
As side from predicting the health and performance of a child’s/person’s future, these tests can help develop personalized strategies for increasing their potential (nurturing a person’s development has much more impact than their genetic-epigenetic foundation alone, especially 12-6 months before conception to about the age of 11). Several companies provide Genetic Testing for this purpose, but none focus on reproduction or Epigenetic Testing (expensive and new) to my knowledge. Epigenetic Testing has the advantage of being able to monitor a child/person as they age (epigenes update
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