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Presentations, Workshops and Classes

In-person/online presentations, workshops and classes are overviews with time for asking questions, doing exercises and demonstrating them.  See the lists below for those I am ready to offer.  Feel free to request specifics from anything I have written about.  I enjoy making presentations, workshops and classes.

* 8 Steps To Success (8 week course that focuses on the fundamentals from my textbook)


The information and strategies in this course have been shown in numerous scientific studies to help prevent and reverse many common mind-body health problems, as well as enhance health and performance well beyond what is considered normal.  A few skills are taught each week as well as why they are important and how they work.  Only learning a few strategies per week allows you to adapt your lifestyle to use them between classes without getting overwhelmed with too much information and change.  Knowing why techniques are taught helps motivate adaption. See the course outline to learn more. 


Becoming Superhuman (Presentation and sermon)


Covers the topics introduced in: 7 Tips for Living to Your Fullest Potential

An Introduction to Psychic and Spiritual Development (Presentation, Workshop and Classes)


A major eye opener for some with demonstrations and exercises to help you experience the psychic and spiritual parts of yourself and reality.  Topics are introduced in: Psychic and Spiritual Development


Psychic Anatomy Exercises: Beyond Qigong and Yoga (Presentation, Workshop and Classes)


This is a powerful practice with superior benefits to similar practices (ex. Qigong, Tai Chi, and many of the modalities of Energy Healing) because of its progressive incorporation of psychic anatomy (the part the gives you psychic/spiritual abilities).  It is introduced in: An Introduction to Psychic Anatomy Exercises/Yoga/Treatments


Psychic Anatomy Yoga: Advanced Yoga for Psychic and Spiritual Benefits (Presentation, Workshop and Classes)

This is a powerful practice with superior benefits to similar practices (ex. Kundalini Yogas, Tantra Yogas, and Qigong type Yogas) because of its progressive incorporation of psychic anatomy (the part the gives you psychic/spiritual abilities).  It is introduced in: An Introduction to Psychic Anatomy Exercises/Yoga/Treatments 


Psychic Touch: Techniques to Psychically Sense, Heal and Empower Yourself and Others (Presentation, Workshop and Classes)

Covers the basics of Energy Healing without going into much detail concerning psychic anatomy.  A great place for beginners to start exploring the awesome and easy to use power of their intentions to psychically/spiritually sense, heal, empower others, as well as themselves.

Psychic Anatomy Treatments (Presentation, Workshop and Classes)

This is a powerful practice with superior benefits.  It is introduced in: An Introduction to Psychic Anatomy Exercises/Yoga/Treatments 


Brain Enhancement Exercise/Meditation (BEEM) (Workshop and Classes)


Teaches a routine for focusing healthy psychic energies upon your heart and the main regions of your brain, as well as removing unhealthy psychic energies from them. Essentially you are doing Energy Healing-Empowerment on your heart and brain which are key parts of your physical body for working with psychic energies.


Focusing healthy psychic energies on your heart helps tune it and your body's entire electromagnetic system to them. Focusing them upon the main regions of your brain helps enhance their health and performance in a very effective way, which is extremely helpful in regards to learning, managing stress, psychic awareness (ESP), mood, and more.

Toning and Sound Therapeutics (Workshops and Classes)


Psychic energies vibrate and when things vibrate, such as your voice and the air around you, it is easier for these energies to facilitate psychic and spiritual development as well as overall health and performance enhancement. Toning, chanting, singing and other vocal expressions are common practices from around the world for these benefits since the beginning of recorded time. High quality speakers, instruments (ex. singing bowels, bells, and what you bring), songs, and chants are used when appropriate. Musicians with experience with these types of sounds can request free admission paying once.


Working with Gemstones (Workshop and Classes)


Gemstones amplify and store psychic energies to help empower your psychic and spiritual development practices in several and often significant ways. Gemstones will be available for group and personal use as well as for purchase during the workshop; classes require you to bring your own gemstones for personal use. These workshops and classes are intended for those with a good foundation in psychic and spiritual development. To learn more about the use of gemstones and the science behind them, I recommend Chapter 24 of this book.


Considering Consciousness (Presentation)


Presents leading-edge science on the interface of your consciousness/spirit/soul with the physical body. Psychic energies, psychic anatomy and their relationship with your physical body is also discussed.



​Prices vary depending on the situation (ex. my schedule, location, amount of interest, etc).

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