Winning Over Climate Change
The Green Party allows their Candidates to have independent views; a unique and valuable move discussed further on the Elect Brett Page. Therefore, I can tell you that I do not agree with their Platform statements concerning ending all new Oil and Gas Projects and removing all Fossil Fuel Vehicles by 2030; although I do agree to move this direction. This article will address these disagreements, as well as multiple, but not all of my science-based and economic perspectives - many appear novel with great potential - regarding how to best Lower Carbon Emissions without fully abandoning Oil, Gas, and perhaps Coal. Key topics include Clean Energy Resource Scarcity Strategies, making products last longer, easier Recycling and Composting, Local Food Production, and Regenerative Agriculture.
Note: This article was written 100% by Brett Rogers. Many Candidates have Ghost Writers from within their Party creating the bulk of their media content. This should not be allowed because it tricks Voters into thinking the Candidate is more intelligent/competent than they may be; other Political Puppet Problems are discussed on the Elect Brett Page. It is time for change and only the Voters can lead this change. Please learn more about Brett Rogers (myself) and the Green Party for a better Democracy and future for all Canadians.
Note: Please read this article from the perspective that the Green Party will be in control of Parliament this term. Finding ways to lower Carbon Emissions that the Party in control will agree to is more valuable than putting up resistance because decisions need to be made quickly for best results concerning Climate Change, the Environment in general, recovering from the Pandemic, and Unifying the House of Commons.
Many I have spoke with have expressed concern over the more extreme perspectives of the Green Party’s Platform. Fundamentally, I align well with it, but when it comes to the more controversial parts, such as stopping all new Oil, Gas and Coal Projects and removing all Fossil Fuel Vehicles by 2030, I do not agree; although I do believe that moving in this direction is in Canada's and the World's best interest..
Green Party Platform
Perhaps in the not so distant past, the evidence was in favour for all of the Green Party’s Platform, but things are changing very quickly these days (ex. new data on Resource Scarcity; discuss below) and platforms need to be revised regularly. On a more positive note, the Green Party has the most developed platform for dealing with Climate Change and are best situated to move us forward with mindfulness of new data. Know that other Members of Parliament and the Senate are not likely to make it easy for extreme laws to be passed without very convincing arguments and data. It is likely that a systematic transition will unfold towards a more Green Economy, leaving the more extreme ideals for last. The Green Party’s Platform will change along the way, but their fundamental agendas to a healthier and thriving future will sustain.
Climate Change Science: Past leaders ignored the thousands of scientific experts warning us of Carbon Emissions. Those leaders choose to side with the very few that arguably had invested interest or were bribed, taking an extreme risk with the Global Future. Note: There are still some Conservative Leaders that still deny facts surrounding Climate Change.
The science has been very clear since Al Gore was campaigning! Carbon Emissions and other Green House Gases from the Global Economy are major contributors to Climate Change and if we did not get control of them, planetary weather patterns would become increasingly more unpredictable and aggressive as the Tipping Point is approached and eventually breached (Note: The Tipping Point is when the Ocean Currents - fundamental movers of global weather - change their directions). We are seeing the increase in weather severity already and it appears very likely that we will breach the Tipping Point in the next decade. Nobody knows which locations will be best suited for Farmlands of specific crops and in general or how long it will take for this transition to complete (it could take more than a decade). What is clear is that much of the Tropics will become inhabitable because a higher global temperature means their is more energy to drive the expressions of weather.
Voting Intelligently: It was reported that the Conservative Party Leader O’Toole said from a Conservative Conference Stage that their party needed an Environmental Platform because voters wanted one. I think this is a Major Red Flag because their motives are clearly not sincere and they have a reputation for being negligent towards environmental protection. Please do not take this as motivation to vote Liberal! There are multiple articles online that clearly argue their incompetence; summarized here with other Intelligent Voting topics.
Remember, we are not electing people we want to be friends with or find attractive, funny or charming, but rather choosing individuals as our employees to co-run our country with other elected Members of Parliament. We are presently over-represented by similar mindsets and underrepresented by science-based experts, particularly of Mind-Body Health and Performance Enhance Strategies which are topics fundamental to our Quality of Life. Vote Brett Rogers in this and all elections!
Resource Scarcity
As a Stock Market Investor of Emerging BioTechnologies and Technologies (ex. Clean Energy Sector), I conclude the same perspectives that many Investment Experts (ex. Ark Invest) have reached: The Clean Energy Economy will require vast amounts of Scarce Resources. Multiple shortages will occur in the near future - as close as 2024 concerning batteries if economic dynamics continue as they are - unless new products and procedures are invented. Indeed, new inventions keep coming out, such as Additive Manufacturing making Solid State Batteries smaller, resource efficient, and less expensive, as well as being able to capture electric energy from nuclear waste (Canada is in a good position to compete in these areas if we act now). Unfortunately, this is not enough for a Global Clean Energy Economy to exist. Aside from Battery resources, Semiconductor materials are likely to become depleted as well; semiconductors are critical components in a Clean Energy Economy, as well as many other very important emerging technologies, such as The Internet of Things, Automation, and more. The scarcity of Copper, Silver, and perhaps even Graphite are also likely to occur!
Efficient Use of Resources
Climate Change is a Global Crisis. Hence, globally we need to make the most efficient use of our resources! The most Carbon Emitting Electric Power Generation Facilities need first grab at materials needed to go Green. Emerging Markets, such as Saudi Arabia, China and Brazil should take priority over mature ones because it would be inefficient and unwise to abandon functioning Fossil Fuel Power Plants and Infrastructure to go Green at the expense of locations that need to build new. This argument can and should be extended to Electric Vehicles and other Clean Energy Technologies. Note: Places where Climate Change is likely to result in an inhabitable environment will not receive the same priority. Note: Emerging Markets will serve as Clean Energy Economy Prototype for Mature Economies to learn from. We can profit from this by investing more into research so to collect (key) patents - countries with the most (key) patents will have Global Economic Advantages.
Immigration: We need to start preparing at a faster rate for a large influx of immigrants as their homelands become inhabitable. Ideally, we will seek out the Best of the Best globally and bring them here ASAP to contribute to our collective future. If we wait to long, it will be harder to do this labour intensive process well. Remember, we can only take on so many people safely.
The heaviest carbon emitting vehicles, such as City Buses, Taxi Cabs, Delivery Vehicles, Forklifts, and others that operate most of the day, need to become electric long before residential vehicles that get used less than an hour a day. This strategy also postpones/removes the need to build a Charging Grid across our spread out country because the companies that use these Heavy Carbon Emitting Vehicles can take care of the logistics of charging their products. Aside from saving a lot of copper and semiconductors, not building a comprehensive Charging Grid will save billions in tax dollars to invest in inventions and innovation that put Canada in a better to contribute to solutions, as well as gain economic advantages (ex. patents and establishing businesses first that will have Pricing Power) internationally and nationally.
Another benefit of postponing the Charging Grid is that it will provide more time for Graphene Printing to mature to the point of replacing Copper as a primary conductor. Graphene is less expensive, more conductive and has other advantages over copper, silver and other materials. It has been a very anticipated discovery that has been achieved very recently. It is still possible for Canadian Companies to compete in this very valuable and important market, especially with Government Help.
Taxing Unnecessary Travel
Something that all Countries should consider is Taxing (Excessive) Unnecessary Travel. Many people are almost addicted to traveling and this creates a lot of CO2 and other pollutants. Maybe gas and other purchases outside of one's local surroundings needs to be taxed higher? If so, a tax credit on the first $2000/person could be appropriate to allow for some travel freedom, such as to visit family and friends.
Making Products Last Longer
Too many products are made to fail these days. Some of you may remember Refrigerators, Stoves, Furnaces and other household appliances that were resilient to failure. Now days, they in large appear to be made to fail soon after the warranty expires. To compound this injustice and burden our environment with unnecessary pollution associated with periodically replacing these appliances, as well as many other common products designed to fail, replacement parts are often extortionate! This often results in customers replacing the entire unit rather than repairing it. This is very environmentally unfriendly, and customer unfriend as well, but it has become the norm and needs to change! Solutions for these problems include requiring the replacement parts are kept within an acceptable ratio of the sales price of the original unit and that companies do their absolute best to use universal parts - especially when it comes to those very likely to needing replacing – so competition can help keep the prices down.
Making product easier to refurbish is another priority! Have you gone through the effort to refill your Printer Ink Cartridge to later conclude after significant internet research that the company has made it impossible to reuse it? There was a time you could get around their efforts to stop you, but they have worked hard, and now it seems impossible. Aside from this being very environmentally irresponsible, and customer rude, it communicates how out of control these types of problems are. The government needs to intervene now!
Aside from the standard governmental approaches for correcting these problems of greed (ex. passing laws, subsidies, applying tariffs, etc), many experts have been publishing Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Economic Models; some have become very popular. Converting over to a TBL Economy is a very big process, and as we have learned from the past, such actions are very difficult to achieve with our present democratic structure. The Global Debate Website can serve greatly in this and innovating other large intellectual structures within our Governments, Businesses, and more! It might be the most valuable contribution I have to offer!
The steps needed to prevent companies from making products to fail or become obsolete will take time, and might be avoidable with a specialized Social Enterprise Model I have designed. For the time being, I am simply calling it a For-Profit Non-Profit because it mostly uses the same accounting structure as a Non-Profit (employees cannot receive more than 250,000 per year and 60% needs to go towards Societal Development Projects; this will greatly reduce the Tax Burden on everyday Canadians once it becomes mainstream), but can enter into Stock Exchanges with a yearly Dividend Limit of 5%. Products are made to fail and become obsolete so the very rich in control of these corporations can pay themselves large bonuses. These bonuses are at the core of most immoral acts of our businesses (article), such as the use of cheap ingredients and procedures that harm humans, other species and/or the environment. Remove the opportunity to receive large bonuses, and those in control will focus more on securing their market position by making higher quality products, as well as experiencing the Altruism of their required Societal Development Investments. Do you comprehend how significant this is!?
Easier Recycling and Composting
We pay to have our recycling shipped to China (CO2 source) for sorting and they send us fees because we are not following the rules. Aside from everybody learning how to recycle better, the government can pass laws that make it easier for us to do so. Examples include requiring companies to use more universally recyclable materials. Sometimes it is cheaper or more convenient to use a special type of plastic or other material that cannot be recycled. When it comes to massive companies, this can add up to a somewhat significant amount of money, but when each product is considered separately, it is hardly worth mentioning. When considering the complications this causes for the public and recycling programs, the cost of letting them do this far outweighs the money they save. There are many examples like this that once addressed can make it easier for Canadians to do their own recycling, keep CAD in Canada, and create jobs!
Another strategy is to require businesses to make it easier to recycle what they produce. For example, packaging is sometimes a combination of paper and plastic (ex. bubble envelopes, some product packages, etc) that are hard to separate, resulting in the customer giving up and throwing it in the garbage or worse, into the recycling bin to burden the recycling system. This is avoidable and I would like to build a future where the Business Leaders are conscientious enough to make the right choices without intervention. The For-Profit Non-Profit Social Enterprise Model can greatly help!
Aside from making things easier to recycle, making materials more biodegradable is a good choice. A lot can be filtered out during paper and plastic recycling procedures, such as plastic Window Envelop pieces, Packaging Tape, and more. This sometimes overwhelms the equipment and ultimately ends up in the landfill. Aside from reducing these sources, investing in Biodegradable BioMaterial Research needs to continue so to position Canada for an inevitable future; one of less waste/pollution. I believe it is wise to asses this part of our economy and where it is going by consulting with Academic and Economic Experts before passing (Boarder) Laws. Boarder Laws will force foreign businesses to buy our BioMaterials or lease our patents, creating an economic advantage that is well justified!
When it comes to Produce Labels, Elastics, Plastic Clips, and other pieces commonly found in compost, as well as food containers and materials that cannot be recycled because of biodegradable or could be biodegradable contamination, Biodegradable Materials are very important to reduce Green House Gases that off-gas from Landfills, by redirecting that carbon into nutrient rich soil for Local Food Production, and at the very least, Crops that are used to make BioMaterials. These are often misunderstood or overlooked Super-Opportunities for reducing our Economic Environmental Footprint and building our National and International Economic Strength.
Local Food Production
Aside from improving Food Security, something Climate Change Greatly threatens, developing a more comprehensive National/Local Food Production Infrastructure will lower carbon emissions associated with transporting food, keep more CAD in Canada, and make jobs! Another win-win strategy! Greenhouse Technology, as well as Harvesting (ex. use of Robots), has come a long way to make local food production more affordable. Alberta has many abandoned Oil Wells that can be used for Geothermal Heating of Greenhouses, lowering the cost of startup. There is also the concept of capturing excess heat from economic processes (ex. Servers and other Internet related data processing stations) to heat Greenhouses and other buildings (ex. apartments). Note: New population centers (ex. towns and cities), such as those associated with Immigration topics discussed above, should be positioned to access Geothermal activity.
The Green Party is a big supporter of Regenerative Agriculture for capturing carbon in soil ecosystems that Industrial Agriculture and some Organic Farming practices destroy. Aside from capturing CO2, Regenerative Agriculture makes healthier food, healthier food improves mind-body health and performance, and healthier humans make better decisions for themselves, their employer, and everybody else, as well as are more capable at performing tasks. They also are less likely to burden society by needing Health Care, Welfare, and Unemployment. Please read the Preface of my textbook to learn what scientific experts are saying about the escalating growth of Non-Communicable Diseases (ex. Obesity, Diabetes, Cancers, Autoimmunity, and others) and how low quality food, toxins and other stressors are causing this degradation of the average person (all discussed in my textbook). We can do better and we must do better ASAP! Vote Brett Rogers in this election for a more powerful representation of these fundamentally important topics!
Keeping it Real
Before closing off this article, I want to address some realities of Oil, Gas and Coal that make it difficult to quickly stop using them. Many Candidates will tell you what you want to hear and this is creating distrust and division in the Canadian and all Democracies. They do this to win votes, and we all need to make a stand! Pressuring them to provide real answers to our questions (ex. why they think a certain way and how will they achieve their goals), getting the Media to do the same, researching Candidates before we Vote, and Reforming the Electoral Process - in several ways - will all help improve this situation; discussed is greater depth in this article.
Oil and Gas
Approximately 25% of Petroleum is used to make Non-Fossil Fuel Products (ex. Plastics - they have their own problems that need addressing; discussed in my Textbook, predominantly in Chapter 16).
Natural Gas is a relatively Clean Energy Source.
Fossil Fuels are best used in close proximity to where they are extracted. Since Canada already has a mature Fossil Fuel Infrastructure, it is best to use these fuels at home vs exporting them; discussed above and below. Similar can be said for the Petroleum we export and then later import as finished products (ex. Plastics); building them in Canada will also grow our economy.
Coal and Coal Ash
Burning coal produces a lot of CO2 and other significant pollutants, such as Mercury and Nitrogen Oxide; this needs to stop. Progress is being made to reduce some of these by-products by an emerging company, Advanced Emissions Solutions (learned about them doing Stock Market Research), but this is largely isolated to increasing combustion and decreasing mercury and nitrogen oxide coming from smoke stacks. I do not think these improvements are enough to allow new Coal Power Plants to be built when Clean Energy is an option, but once required, it will make existing Coal Power Plants cleaner as we transition away from their use.
Burning Coal also produces Coal Ash which is a valuable reinforcing agent in Cement, Wall Board, Aluminum Alloys, and other materials - it has special proprieties. To completely stop the use of Coal, alternatives for its Ash need to be developed as well and there is presently no options - high priority research area. Can you imagine a world without Strong Cement and Alloys?
As argued above for Oil, it is more environmentally friendly to use Coal at home than exporting it. Remember, Climate Change is a Global Crisis and all countries need to work together to efficiently and quickly decrease CO2; discussed above.
Crowsnest Pass Metallurgic Coal Mining: I understand that the sites presently being considered contain 2 rich coal veins that will funnel water into them as they are mined, resulting in pollutants from the exposed coal to reach unacceptable numbers in important water ways. This is a high risk situation that I do not support! Even if a dome was built over these sites to ensure no water entered them until they were fully processed, the mounting threat of more extreme weather poses a significant challenge that is not well appreciated. I do believe this (transportable) dome concept is a good idea for mining in general.
Ideally, it is best to find locations that are more remote and environmentally safe compared to those being protested in the Crowsnest Pass, as well as elsewhere. A unique perspective I will bring to the Decision Making Process is justifying Access Expenses to alternative locations as investments for future civilizations; this will make alternatives look more feasible. As discussed above, Climate Change will make many places on our planet inhabitable; Canada is expected to favour well. For Canada to take on more immigrants in response to this - sooner than later is best; discussed above - we will need places for them to live. I think the mountains are wonderful places to live for Nature Benefits Reasons; discussed in my Textbook, Appendix H. If we clear away trees, develop roadways and other infrastructures to support mining or other projects that eventually complete, we can build communities afterwards at a lower cost using what they (respectfully) leave behind. I believe this is a win-win opportunity that is not being considered.
Please note that nasty emotionally charged comments create division and increase the likelihood that those with Decision Making Power will ignore your cause. I encourage Facebook Groups Administrators and other Platforms to regulate nastiness for the sake of keeping communication lines open; this is designed into the Global Debate Website. Belligerence and similar behaviors are counterproductive in the decision making process - Democracy - while emotionally neutral, encouraging and kind criticism (Candor) is vital.
Final Comments
I could comment on other Climate Change Strategies (listed below), but I do not want to overwhelm you with information.
Hydrogen Power Plants - maybe
Taxing CO2 Emissions - have some ideas; one discussed above
CO2 Capture and Storage - maybe
Using Fossil Fuel Power Plant to compliment Clean Energy ones rather than building resource, pollution, and cost intensive Clean Energy Storage Sites - maybe
Some storage technologies have more potential from my perspectives discussed above, such as Bulky Sea Salt Batteries
Storage sites require complex, expensive, and in part experimental control mechanisms (ex. stem.com)
Extracting Carbon from Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - maybe
I have a few ideas that have not been tried to my knowledge, such as exposing CO2 to a very high static electric charge before passing it over a Graphite Surface with a resonant electromagnetic wave pattern
Climate Change is the #1 topic we need to address as Parliament nurtures the revival of our economy. The only other high priority projects I will focus upon if elected is the Global Debate Website and the issues surrounding Metalurgic Coal Mining in the Crowsnest Pass. The If Elected, I would become an expert on the Crowsnest Pass and associated Water Shed issues that expand into Saskatchewan. Global Debate Website will be a very low investment of my time and energy once set in motion, it will take years to develop, it is will provide very significant benefits to the decision making process of large groups (ex. our democracy), data collection, and has enormous profit potential (it could very well become one a Canada’s largest companies; if we develop it first).
As we go through these critical challenges as a Country, if elected now, I will have more know-how to champion policies regarding how we educate our children (a primary focus of my textbook is to lay a foundation for a new the K-12 School Curriculum that makes Life Skills a high priority), Genetically and Epigenetically diagnose diseases before conception, provide free birth control to people with significant genetic and epigenetic damage so they do not accidentally get pregnant or in-pregnant someone else, and Advancing Social Enterprises with the For-Profit NonProfit Model (very significant!).
As argued before, we need more science-base representation in Parliament, especially for the subjects I have written 6 books and a textbook about (Mind-Body-Spirit Health and Performance Enhancement Strategies, as well as Societal Development). Remember that I am also a Stock Market Investor of Emerging/Disruptive BioTechnologies and Technologies (the future of the Global Economy). I have a lot to offer!
Vote Brett Rogers for the Best Future Possible!