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Federal Green Party (Independent) Candidate for the Foothills Riding 




I am a science-based author of 6 books and a textbook on Mind Body Spirit Health and Performance Enhancement Strategies as well as Societal Development. I believe these, as well as science-based skills and expertise, are in general underrepresented in the House of Commons and are crucial for evolving humanity effectively. I am also a Stock Market Investor of Emerging Biotechnology and Technology (this includes the Clean Energy Sector) with a solid background in related sciences and Engineering; great for Economic Development!

Parliament is in great need of more science-based representation! We are over-represented by Lawyers and Economists which I believe is in part why we have multiple escalating problems (ex. Climate Change, other pollution crises, and declining overall mind-body health and performance of the population). I hope it becomes clear that I have enormous potential to enhance the quality of life of all income levels in Canada by contributing to the improvements of Education Systems, Health Canada, Research Canada, advancing the Economy, as well as in other ways that I have written about! 


It appears that I am the only candidate in Canada with these underrepresented and vital credentials! For some, this means sacrificing their conventional candidate choice so the House of Commons is better balanced – wisdom.

Use the links below to learn about the 4 Societal Development projects that I have been designing since about 2006.  I consider them the most important of all Societal Development concepts I have written about; there are many.  They are:


  • The Global Debate Website

    • For large and very large groups make decisions together

    • Improve transparency and accountability

    • A great tool for employers and lenders

    • Huge Profit and Sophisticated Data Potential

    • Plan to develop as Private-Public Partnership

    • It is waiting for collaborators to develop it with a 7 stage model

      • Will collect revenue at stage 3

  • For-Profit Non-Profits

    • A type of Social Enterprise that will greatly improve the strength of Society by blocking money funnels into the hands of the mega-rich

    • Will strengthen Social Programs and Projects much better than Non-Profits and Charities

    • Can significantly lower the Tax Burden on everyday Canadians once it becomes mainstream

    • It is waiting for collaborators to develop as an online store

What is a Green Party (Independent) Candidate?

Although the Green Party requires candidates to be fundamentally aligned with the Party's goals, they also want candidates to sign their Candidate Pledge Form that says they will represent their own opinions before that of the Party's Platform when it comes to details - Independence. This gets around "Political Puppet Problems", such as lacking motivation once elected because ones heart is not in it.  This disconnection from the heart can also result in other acts of negligence, and even corruption, especially when Special Interest Groups apply pressure.

I discuss my differing views from the Official Green Party Platform in some of the content below.  In general, I am more moderate when it comes to transitioning to a 100% Clean Economy. 

  • I believe we should reluctantly allow new pipelines, coal, oil and especially gas projects as we continue to transition (faster) away from them, within reason; details discussed in Climate Change article below.


  • I do not see it as wise for Canada or the Global Climate Change Effort to remove all Canadian Fossil Fuel Vehicles from the road by 2030; details discussed in Climate Change article below.

Articles and Videos


Everything on this page and it immediate links has been Approved by the Official Agent of Brett Rogers.

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