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All of the books below have not been edited well and will be updated to a 2nd Edition as soon as possible: 2024-2026. DVDs are good to go!

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Inner and Outer Success:

The Best of Conventional Self-Help With New

Energy Psychology Techniques

A great book for people who have experienced a lot of challenges in their past and/or are doing so in the present concerning the influence of other people.  There are many other techniques for helping you achieve inner and outer success as well. 

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The Psychic Anatomy Exercises:

For Enhancing the Health and Performance of Your Psychic Anatomy and Physical Body

A great book for people who are new to psychic and spiritual development and even some experts/masters.  The concepts are taught progressively from entry level to advanced concepts concerning psychic and spiritual development

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Psychic Anatomy Yoga:

On the FrontLine of Evolution

This book will help you get more psychic and spiritual benefits from your yoga asana practice.  Although it contains the core teachings from The Psychic Anatomy Exercises, they are not taught as simply.  You may want to have both of them if learning new practices is challenging for you.

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Psychic Anatomy YOga DVD Vol 1:

Building a Foundation of Greatness

This DVD is intended to be used as complimentary to the books Psychic Anatomy Yoga, Psychic Anatomy Exercises or Psychic Anatomy Treatments.  It explains what is happening and why.  It does not teach techniques.

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Psychic Anatomy YOga DVD Vol 2:

Living to Your Fullest POtential

This DVD is intended to be used as complimentary to the books Psychic Anatomy Yoga, Psychic Anatomy Exercises or Psychic Anatomy Treatments.  It explains what is happening and why.  It does not teach techniques.

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Saktiyama YOga DVD:

Voice-Over Chapters

This DVD comes from a time when Psychic Anatomy Yoga was called Saktiyama Yoga.  Saktiyama is a Sankrit word meaning Primordial Cosmic Energy Control. 

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Psychic Anatomy Treatments:

Supported by Over 600 Traditional and Scientific References

Uses the techniques of Psychic Anatomy Exercises to treat other people.  Other treatment modalities are discussed and compared with Psychic Anatomy Treatments as well as each other.  This book is not intended for beginners.

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The Psychic Energy Reality:

A Traditional and Academic Foundation for

Psychic Energy Practices and Research

A science book on psychic energies, psychic anatomy, psychic and spiritual development as well as a few reality topics. 

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God's Journey:

On the Topics of Personal and Collective Evolution

as well as the Meaning of Life

In Part 1 of this discussion book, priority topics of personal development are briefly reviewed with references to more in depth information so to contribute to the evolution of society.  Part 2 discusses priority topics concerning societal development.  

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